Showing 21–40 of 268 results

  • Kirstenbosch: A Visitor’s Guide – New Edition

    This visitor’s guide has been fully updated and revised to include changing garden exhibits and new features, such as the the Boomslang elevated walkway. An attractive memento and guide to Cape Town’s world-famous botanical garden, it traces the history and development of Kirstenbosch, from its establishment in 1913 to the showcase of indigenous flora it is today.

    It includes:

    • Prominent garden features (the Protea, Erica and Cycad gardens, Dell,
    • Boomslang Tree Canopy Walkway, Conservatory, and more).
    • Floral highlights of all four seasons.
    • A detailed map (with walking, climbing and mountain bike routes).
    • Spectacular photographs (many against Table Mountain).
  • Field Guide to Insects of Southern Africa (NE)

    This trusted best-seller has been comprehensively updated and expanded to feature accounts of over 1,500 species and insect groups. Included are the most common, most economically and ecologically important, interesting and attractive insects in the region.

    It features:

    vivid photographs
    easy-to-read text
    detailed accounts covering identifi cation, biology, distribution and related species
    a helpful introduction detailing the signifi cance, life history, collection and photography of insects, and
    quick reference guides on the inside covers to facilitate identifi cation.

    Entomologists both amateur and professional, students, gardeners, farmers, tourists and anyone with an interest in the natural world will appreciate this illuminating and invaluable guide.

  • Field Guide to Fynbos Fauna

    Concise, all-in-one guide to the mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs of the Fynbos Biome, featuring over 400 species

    South Africa’s Fynbos Biome, which spans the country’s Western and Eastern Cape provinces, is one of the richest floras in the world. In addition to its spectacular botanical diversity, the region is also famous for its remarkable variety of fauna, with some species occurring nowhere else – from the tiny Micro Frog to the brightly coloured Orange-breasted Sunbird and the large, strikingly marked Bontebok.

    The first of its kind, this concise field guide covers more than 400 species in four animal groups: mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs. The species accounts include key identification features and are paired with full-colour photographs and distribution maps. This guide encompasses popular tourist destinations such as the Cape Peninsula, the Kogelberg, the Cederberg, the Agulhas Plain, the West Coast and Baviaanskloof.

  • Pocket Guide – Tracks & Tracking

    Compact and easy to use, this book will be an invaluable tool in the wild

    This handy guide provides simple tools to help interpret the tracks and signs of some 105 southern African mammals, reptiles, frogs and birds. Photographs and diagnostic spoor illustrations are given for each animal, along with information on behaviour, habits and habitat, and up-to-date distribution maps show where the animals occur.

    Special features on insects and scat supplement the text and a detailed introduction offers basic guidelines for learning how to become a tracker.

  • Volledige Gids Slange Van Suider Afrika

    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>Hierdie breedvoerige en omvattende gids tot die 151 inheemse slange in Suid-Afrika dek al die noodsaaklike aspekte van biologie en slang gedrag. <em>’n Volledige Gids tot die Slange van Suider-Afrika</em> is nou in sy tweede uitgawe en is ten volle opgedateer om ten minste 11 nuut ontdekte en 30 her-klassifiseerde spesies en sub-spesies in te sluit.<br /><br />Nuwe inligting gebasseer op internasionale wetenskaplike navorsing is ingesluit, en hou verband met gedrag, identifikasie, voortplanting en gif. Kenmerke van die nuwe uitgawe:&nbsp;Spesies se beskrywings word vergesel van volkleur foto’s;&nbsp;Eenvoudige simbole maak belangrike inligting dadelik beskikbaar;&nbsp;’n Aparte ‘Kyk uit vir’ blokkie help om spesies in die veld gou te identifiseer;&nbsp;Hoofstukke oor klassifikasie en identifikasie, aanhou van slange, en die voorkoming en behandeling van glangbyte vul die inligting aan.<br /><br /><strong>Also available in <a title=”A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa” href=”../title-page.php?titleID=1852&amp;imprintID=2″ target=”_self”>English</a><br /><br /><br />Besoek na Johan Marais se webwef by <a href=””></a><br /><br /><a href=”” target=”_blank”>Kliek hier</a> om ‘n gratis plakkaat oor die gevaarlike slange in Suid-Afrika van Johan Marais se webwerf&nbsp;af te laai</strong></p>

  • How on Earth?

    This book sets out to answer puzzles in nature and the environment. Why is there such a neat fit between the coastlines of Africa and South America? Why is Table Mountain flat, while the adjacent Twelve Apostles are so rugged? Where does the pumice stone on the beaches of Arniston come from? What happens to cause a tsunami? How does rock come to be folded?

    For each of some 70 questions there is an explanation, be it geological, mineralogical, astronomic – whatever the field, the evidence is carefully presented and explained so that even those with little knowledge in these fields can understand the processes that have been at work. The book is vividly illustrated with full-colour photographs and diagrams of the subjects under discussion.

  • Southern African Moths & their Caterpillars

    The most comprehensive guide to the region’s moths 

    Authoritative and informative, Southern African Moths & their Caterpillars  provides a comprehensive overview of the moth fauna of the region.

    Featuring more than 1,500 of the 11,000 species occurring here, the guide focuses on those that are most abundant, of economical or ecological importance, conspicuous or unusual. This essential guide offers:

    • Authoritative text richly supported with photographs of both adult moth and larva.
    • Clear ID pointers plus information on biology, habitat and distribution.
    • An informative introduction covering evolution, life cycle, diversity and ecological importance of moths.
  • Pocket Guide Snakes & Other Reptiles of Zambia & Malawi

    Zambia and Malawi are home to 240 reptile species, of which 114 are snakes, 108 lizards, 14terrapins and tortoises, and 2 crocodiles. Of these, 15 species occur nowhere else on Earth.

    The first accessible pocket guide to the reptiles of these two tropical countries describes 186 of the most commonly encountered and colourful species, as well as those that are less conspicuous, rare and endemic to the region. A brief, informative introduction details the region’s reptile diversity and habitat types and outlines different venom types and snakebite treatments.

    Handy and compact, this up-to-date guide makes a trusted travelling companion on trips to the wildlife areas, parks and reserves of these two spectacular countries.

    – Succinct species descriptions cover key identification features.
    – Clear full-colour photographs accompany species descriptions.
    – Up-to-date distribution maps show the range of each species.
    – Symbols for snake species denote the level of danger each snake’s venom poses for humans, from harmless to life-threatening.

  • Field Guide to the Spiders of Southern Africa

    Thoroughly revised and updated, this long-awaited new edition of Field Guide to the Spiders of South Africa remains the most comprehensive guide to South African spiders published to date. It features over 780 of the more common spider species encountered in the field and in homes and gardens, as well as representative species from some of the rarer spider families.

    – ‘Quick Keys’ to the 72 South African spider families provide a useful starting point to identification.
    – Succinct genus and species accounts cover identifying characteristics, breeding, behaviour, distribution and conservation status.
    – Colour photographs and/or illustrations as well as distribution maps support each entry.
    – Introductory chapter discusses spider morphology, spider life cycle, the functions of silk, as well as spider collection techniques.
    – Section on venom identifies species that pose a danger to humans, unpacks neurotoxic and cytotoxic venom, and details the symptoms and treatment of spider bites.

  • Hiking Beyond Cape Town

    Hiking Beyond Cape Town opens a gateway to the myriad trails and tracks that await hikers – young and old, novice and experienced – beyond the confines of the city.

    This collection of day trips outside of Cape Town features 40 trails, fanning out from the south coast to the west and covering a range of varied hikes in between. Ranging between 2 to 7 hours, the hikes are tailored for single-day trips, although a handful will require overnighting. Each hike entry includes an accurate, up-to-date route description, a map of the trail, and directions for getting to the start. In each case, an upfront summary outlines the distance, duration, grade of difficulty, and elevation of the hike, as well as other details. Striking colour photographs and observations about the plant and animal life along the route add lively interest.

    A brief introduction provides expert advice on gear, planning and preparation.

    An essential reference for hikers keen to explore new horizons.

  • Kids’ Birds of Southern Africa

    This lively, jam-packed book introduces kids to more than 60 bird groups found in southern Africa: long-legged flamingos, speedy falcons, jewel-like sunbirds, plucky hornbills and many more.

    Learn to identify different birds, and discover their intriguing behaviours – how they find food, choose a mate, build a nest, raise their young and avoid predators. A detailed introduction explains birding concepts such as courtship, migration, mobbing and moulting.

    More than 500 stunning photographs are included, with many annotated to highlight interesting features and traits.

  • Eyezingane Izinyoni zaseNingizimu ye-Afrika

    Le ncwadi ejabulisayo, egcwele mfi yethula izingane emaqenjini ezinyoni ezingaphezu kwama-60 ezitholakala eningizimu ne-Afrika: okholwase abanemilenze emide, oklebe abasheshayo, izincwincwi ezifana nejuba, izinsingizi ezinesibindi nezinye eziningi.

    Funda ukubona izinyoni ezihlukahlukene, futhi uthole nendlela ehlaba umxhwele eziziphatha ngayo-indlela ezithola ngayo ukudla, ezikhetha ngayo umlingani, ezakha ngayo isidleke, ezikhulisa ngayo amachwane azo nokuthi zizigwema kanjani izilwane ezizizingelayo. Isingeniso esinemininingwane sichaza okuphathelene nezinyoni okunjengokuthandana, ukufuduka, ukuhlala kwazo ngaziningi kanye nokwebuza.

    Kufakwe izithombe ezinhle ngokwedlulele ezingaphezu kwama-500, eziningi zichaziwe ukuze zigqamise izici nokuthile okuhlukile okuhlaba umxhwele ngazo.

  • Kinders se voëls van Suider-Afrika

    Hierdie lewendige boek stel kinders voor aan meer as 60 van die voëlgroepe wat in Suider-Afrika te vind is: grasieuse flaminke, vinnige valke, juweel-agtige suikerbekkies, kordate neushoringvoëls en vele meer.

    Leer hoe om verskillende voëls te identifiseer en ontdek meer oor hul gedrag – hoe hulle kos soek, ‘n maat kies, ‘n nes bou, kuikens grootmaak en roofdiere vermy. ‘n Volledige inleiding verduidelik konsepte soos hofmakery, migrasie en

    Meer as 500 treffende foto’s is ingesluit, waarvan baie aantekeninge het_om_interessante eienskappe aan te toon.

  • Field Guide to Scorpions of South Africa

    An authoritative antidote to the myths surrounding these often maligned and misunderstood creatures.

    Among the world’s most fascinating living fossils, scorpions have been around for some 420 million years. South Africa is home to an astonishing variety, with 108 species in three families occurring in most of the region’s biomes, from desert and grassland to fynbos, savanna and forest. Scorpions are even found in urban gardens.

    Field Guide to Scorpions of South Africa is the first comprehensive guide to describe and illustrate all known species in the country. The clear, detailed species accounts cover appearance, habitat and behaviour, and discuss the variation within species according to region. Up-to-date distribution maps are included for all species and exceptional photographs, carefully worked to show astounding detail and vivid colours, bring to life the intricate patterning and colours of different species. Both males and females are presented, as well as a variety of colour forms, facilitating accurate identification in the field.

    The introduction discusses scorpion classification, anatomy, biology, behaviour and habitat, as well as venomosity and the treatment of stings. Tips on how and where to find scorpions and how to contribute to their conservation as a citizen scientist are also included.

    An invaluable tool for students, researchers, academics, hikers and anyone with an interest in South Africa’s rich and fascinating fauna.

  • Wildlife of East Africa: Photographic Guide

    This photographic guide to the wildlife of East Africa is an accessible introduction to the region’s more conspicuous and interesting mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, insects, flowers and trees. A colour photograph accompanies each account, which describes the species’ appearance, size, and habits, and gives information on their conservation status, habitat and the best viewing localities. This book is an invaluable guide for visitors to national parks and other wildlife-rich places in East Africa and is a handy size for travel.

  • Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa (New Edition)

    This revised, updated and expanded edition of Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa remains the only book to focus exclusively on the seabirds of southern Africa and includes nine new species for the region. This essential guide offers:

    – Authoritative text richly supported with photographs and distribution maps.
    – Clear ID pointers plus information on biology, behaviour and conservation status.
    – An expanded introduction covering seabird origins, moult, feeding, breeding, conservation, and how best to watch and photograph these iconic birds.
    – A bonus feature on flying fish and flying squid.

    An essential guide for birdwatchers and nature lovers who spend time at sea.

  • Plants of the Baviaanskloof

    Tucked away in the southwestern corner of the Eastern Cape lies a narrow valley, flanked by the Baviaanskloof and Kouga mountain ranges. Named after the chacma baboons that long ago made this 200-km-long kloof their home, the Baviaanskloof is part of the Cape Floral Region World Heritage Site. It is a meeting point of several different ecosystems, with almost all of South Africa’s eight biomes represented, making for an exceptional diversity of species, including many endemics.

    Plants of the Baviaanskloof describes well over 1,000 plant species. It includes:
    – Succinct descriptions of each plant species with full-colour photographs
    – Brief family and genus descriptions, and species counts for the area
    – An introduction covering the geology, climate and vegetation types of the region

    Compiled over two decades, Plants of the Baviaanskloof is sure to become an enduring record of the diversity of plant life found here. The only botanical guide for this area, it is a must-have for botanists, gardeners, road-trippers, hikers, travellers and all who have a deep interest in plants.

  • Nature Now Trees of Kruger

    This book describes and illustrates 80 of the larger, more conspicuous and common tree species likely to be seen while travelling in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.
    Intended as a handy guide to accurate identification, each spread shows the tree in full display along with a selection of supplementary images such as leaves, flowers, fruit and bark.
    Succinct text with minimal botanical jargon supports the images, and informative boxes describe the uses of plant parts.
    A series of maps demarcating 35 different vegetation zones or ‘landscapes’ within the Park helps readers to determine which tree species are likely to be seen in which area.

  • Nature Now Mammals of Kruger

    This easy-to-read, fact-filled guide features over 80 mammal species found in the Kruger National Park, one of Africa’s most popular game-viewing destinations.
    Packed with stunning photographs and engaging text, it provides brief pointers for accurate identification and highlights the most interesting facts about each species. Did you know that leopards are more dangerous than lions, elephants use their trunks to snorkel, giraffes give birth standing up, and no two zebras have the same stripe pattern?

    Aimed at nature enthusiasts of all ages, this compact guide:
    – Covers the Park’s rich diversity of mammals – from the world-famous Big Five to the miniature mongooses seen dashing across the road
    – Unpacks each animal’s most interesting characteristics and behaviours
    – Notes the record-breakers: who has the longest horns, strongest jaws or greatest appetite?
    – Provides game-watching tips for successful safaris, as well as ‘Best viewing’ notes for each species
    – Features striking photographs of Kruger’s wildlife in action

  • Nature Now Insects and Other Critters of Kruger

    Besides being a world-famous game-viewing destination, the Kruger National Park is
    home to an incredible diversity of bugs, beetles, butterflies, spiders, scorpions and other creepy-crawlies. Packed with colour photographs, this visual guide will appeal to anyone keen to identify and learn more about the Park’s infinite variety of smaller inhabitants. Find out what
    happens inside a termite mound, how ladybirds protect themselves from predators, and why dung beetles race to fresh dung pats. This handy book:

    – Spans 30 groups, including moths, beetles, wasps, crickets and spiders, and features over 200 commonly encountered species
    – Contains vivid photographs of Kruger’s most interesting and attractive critters
    – Unpacks noteworthy behaviours and biology
    – Introduces key concepts, such as mimicry, cryptic coloration, metamorphosis, parasitism and pollination
    – Includes bug-watching and photography tips for beginners
