Showing 21–40 of 306 results

  • Wildflowers, Waterplant, Grass Okavango

    This handy, easy-to-use guide book for tour guides, tourists and students details 322 plant species – all the common herbaceous (non-woody) plants of the Okavango Delta, Chobe, Makgadikgadi pans and the Kalahari.

    The grasses are placed in their own section, but the rest of the book is arranged by flower colour. A separate ‘quick reference’ to water plants aids identification. English, Setswana and Afrikaans common names are provided where available. The book details medicinal, food and other uses; also included are plant-related superstitions, toxicity, associated insects and other interesting facts. The uses are listed alphabetically at the back, serving as a kind of ‘survival guide’ in the bush.

  • What’s That Tree Southern Africa

    Amateur and more seasoned tree-spotters will welcome this latest addition to the What’s that? series. Accessible and straightforward, this book groups trees together into their broad families, based on the features that related species share. This allows readers to narrow down their choices to a few likely possibilities before tackling the detail of species identification.

    The book offers: simple, authoritative text; side-bars with interesting additional information; multiple full-colour photographs, including of key diagnostic features and an illustrated glossary of plant parts.

    This helpful introduction should provide an invaluable entry point for anyone with an interest in the trees of the region.

    Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans

  • What’s that Snake?

    What’s that Snake? offers an easy introduction to snake identification for the beginner. Snakes of the region are grouped according to family likeness, common behaviour or appearance, and the reader is encouraged to recognise the characteristics of the group before focusing on individual species.

    Interesting fact boxes complement the text, and striking colour photographs illustrate the characteristics of snakes in each group. An informative introduction covers common behaviour and habitats of southern African snakes, and gives advice on where and how to find them. Different types of venom are discussed, as are basic first aid measures for treating victims of snakebite.

    Ook beskikbaar in Afrikaans

    Visit Johan Marais’ website at

    Click here to download a free poster about the dangerous snakes in South Africa from Johan Marais’ website

  • Watter Slang is dit

    Watter Slang is dit? is ’n maklike inleiding wat die beginner sal help om slange uit te ken. Slange van die streek word volgens familietrekke, gemeenskaplike gedrag of voorkoms gegroepeer, en die leser word aangemoedig om die kenmerke van die groep te herken voordat op individuele spesies gefokus word.

    Kassies met interessante feite vul die teks aan en treffende kleurfoto’s illustreer die kenmerke van slange in elke groep. ’n Insiggewende inleiding dek die algemene gedrag en habitats van Suider-Afrika se slange en gee wenke oor waar en hoe om hulle op te spoor. Die verskillende gifsoorte word bespreek, asook basiese noodhulpmaatreëls vir die behandeling van slagoffers van slangbyt.

    Also available in English

    Besoek na Johan Marais se webwerk by

    Kliek hier om ‘n gratis plakkaat oor die gevaarlike slange in Suid-Afrika van Johan Marais se webwerf af te laai

  • Watter Boom is dit Suider Afrika

    Vir die beginner kan die groot aantal boomspesies wat in Suider- Afrika voorkom – sowat 1700 inheemse en ingevoerde spesies – oorweldigend wees. Hierdie nuutste toevoeging tot die Watter?-reeks help met hierdie probleem deur die aanskoulike, algemene, opvallende en soms buitengewone spesies in terme van hul ‘familiegroepe’ te beskryf. Kennis van die boomfamilies help met die herkenning van verwante bome se gemeenskaplike kenmerke en ook die eienskappe waaraan spesies van mekaar onderskei word.

    Die boek bied: Talle volkleurfoto’s van die diagnostiese kenmerke van bome; Opsommings van groepkenmerke in verstaanbare taal; ’n Geïllustreerde woordelys van plantdele; Notas met interessante bykomende inligting.

    Alle boomliefhebbers, veral beginners, sal hierdie boek baie nuttig vind.

    Also available in English

  • Volledige Gids Slange Van Suider Afrika

    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>Hierdie breedvoerige en omvattende gids tot die 151 inheemse slange in Suid-Afrika dek al die noodsaaklike aspekte van biologie en slang gedrag. <em>’n Volledige Gids tot die Slange van Suider-Afrika</em> is nou in sy tweede uitgawe en is ten volle opgedateer om ten minste 11 nuut ontdekte en 30 her-klassifiseerde spesies en sub-spesies in te sluit.<br /><br />Nuwe inligting gebasseer op internasionale wetenskaplike navorsing is ingesluit, en hou verband met gedrag, identifikasie, voortplanting en gif. Kenmerke van die nuwe uitgawe:&nbsp;Spesies se beskrywings word vergesel van volkleur foto’s;&nbsp;Eenvoudige simbole maak belangrike inligting dadelik beskikbaar;&nbsp;’n Aparte ‘Kyk uit vir’ blokkie help om spesies in die veld gou te identifiseer;&nbsp;Hoofstukke oor klassifikasie en identifikasie, aanhou van slange, en die voorkoming en behandeling van glangbyte vul die inligting aan.<br /><br /><strong>Also available in <a title=”A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa” href=”../title-page.php?titleID=1852&amp;imprintID=2″ target=”_self”>English</a><br /><br /><br />Besoek na Johan Marais se webwef by <a href=””></a><br /><br /><a href=”” target=”_blank”>Kliek hier</a> om ‘n gratis plakkaat oor die gevaarlike slange in Suid-Afrika van Johan Marais se webwerf&nbsp;af te laai</strong></p>

  • Star Maps for Southern Africa

    The first star guide of its kind in the southern hemisphere, this book features 96 star maps for observing the southern skies with the naked eye, standard binoculars or a small telescope. Divided into 12 sets, the maps cover all eight principal views of the sky (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW) for each month of the year and for different times during each night. For each set of star maps, the reader is alerted to prominent stars and constellations visible during that period of viewing. Terms and concepts are explained and frequently asked questions addressed.
    Star Maps for Southern Africa  provides thorough and extensive coverage of our night skies, enabling readers to track stars and related spectacles throughout the year. It will remain relevant for a lifetime.
  • Southern African Coasts: A celebration of our ceas and chores

    This book showcases the very best of the photography as judged in the Sustainable Seas Trust 2013/14 competition. The extraordinary, prize-winning photographs are accompanied by illuminating essays from leading scientists, sports people and others whose lives are intimately connected with the seas. It also serves as a call to create a South African network of Hope Spots, which are special, people-orientated marine conservation areas. The hope is that, with the close involvement of the communities that live near and depend on the seas, we can safeguard our natural resources.

  • Save Me From the Lion’s Mouth

    Save Me From the Lion’s Mouth investigates the increasing conflict between people and wildlife in Africa and what needs to be done about it. It describes the human suffering and perceptions of those who live outside the reserve fences among man-eaters and marauders yet are excluded from the economic benefits accruing from the wildlife around them.

    It provides evidence of a growing resentment among rural communities, especially near game reserves and warns how it is threatening the existence of Africa’s game reserves. The book suggests that many in the Northern Hemisphere who support African wildlife conservation are blind to the seriousness of the situation. Some African states – notably Kenya and Tanzania – adopt wildlife policies to please donor countries from whom they receive millions of dollars. Thus government policies, many of them patently disastrous and certainly detrimental to rural Africans and to wildlife, are dictated from middle class homes across Europe and America. Fortunately there is a growing international lobby that is seeking solutions.

    Click here to watch a video of James Clarke talking about Save Me From the Lion’s Mouth

  • Poster MFB Snakes And Other Reptiles

    Part of a series of four full-colour posters depicting different animal groups, featuring their names in four languages – English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu

    Snakes and other Reptiles of Southern Africa illustrates 56 snakes and other reptiles and includes icons indicating which ones are most dangerous.

    These colourful educational posters make beautiful wall hangings, and are ideal gifts for young nature-lovers. Excellent aids in a classroom, home, nature centre or library.

  • Poster MFB Birds

    Part of a series of four full-colour posters depicting different animal groups, featuring their names in four languages – English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu

    Birds of Southern Africa features over 50 common, colourful birds from the region.

    These colourful educational posters make beautiful wall hangings, and are ideal gifts for young nature-lovers. Excellent aids in a classroom, home, nature centre or library.

  • Overkill

    Ninety percent of the world’s megafauna (its larger creatures) have disappeared since humans migrated from Africa and fanned out across the rest of the world. Within a very short time the megafauna – mammoths, mastodons, woolly rhinoceros and the huge carnivores that preyed upon them were extinct. Only Africa seems to have escaped: not unscathed, but not entirely vanquished either.

    This book:

    describes the history and extent of human impact on the worlds wildlife (marine included), good and bad;
    it examines, in particular, the status of wildlife in Africa – the world’s last great megafaunal sanctuary;
    and it questions whether Africa’s wildlife has reached its lowest ebb, and whether it is about to witness the turn of the tide?
    The author sounds a note of cautious optimism: conservation initiatives have gained a new urgency in the 21st century, and governments in Africa and elsewhere are showing increasing resolve to tackle poaching. Vast transfrontier parks, many still in development, have the potential to provide a sustainable habitat for the continent’s megafauna.

    If we can muster both local and international support, name and shame the rogue nations, and build a practical conservation model that does not conflict with human needs, then Africa’s wildlife can perhaps be saved.

  • Newman’s Birds By Colour Southern Africa

    The name Ken Newman is synonymous with birds and birding, and Newman’s Birds by Colour remains a favourite among both younger birders and those starting out in the field. Bold colour sections group the more commonly seen birds by the dominant colour of their plumage and other distinctive features, offering users a quick and easy way to identify them.

    A comprehensive introduction to birds and birding includes such topics as bird classification, anatomy, flight, migration, feeding and nesting. There are helpful sections offering information on what you need to go birding, and where and when to look for birds. This third edition has been updated with the latest name changes as reflected in the commemorative edition of Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa.

  • Newman se voëls van Suider Afrika

    Die gedenkuitgawe van Newman se Voëls van Suider Afrika is ‘n opdatering van ‘n klassieke voëlboek, asook ‘n huldeblyk aan een van die streek se mees geliefde voëlkenners, Kenneth Newman. Met die ondersteuning van Faansie Peacock (‘n opkomende voëlkenner) het Vanessa Newman (die outeur se dogter) die teks en illustrasies vir die nuwe uitgawe volledig hersien, opgedateer en uitgebrei. Die boek bevat al die voëls wat waargeneem is tussen Antarktika en die Zambesirivier, en sluit in voëls van die Suidelike Oseaan, Suid-Afrika, Zimbabwe, Namibië, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho en Mosambiek. Die bekende, gebruikersvriendelike formaat van Newman se Voëls is behou, maar die boek spog met ‘n moderne nuwe voorkoms. Kleurkodes is gebruik vir voëlgroepe en kruisverwysings tussen die teks, en illustrasies is behou. Die bekende groot, akkurate illustrasies van elke spesie wys die voël soos wat hy in die veld voorkom, en byskrifte tot die illustrasies lig nou hoofkenmerke uit. ‘n Hersiende inleiding wys lesers stap-vir-stap hoe om die nuutste uitgawe van Newman se Voëls te gebruik.

    Ook beskikbaar in Engels as Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa.

  • Mammals of the Kruger National Park

    This compact guide to Mammals of the Kruger National Park and Surrounding Bushveld presents all the mammals you are likely to see in the region. Although handy in size, it packs in an astonishing amount of information, with each mammal accompanied by photos, distribution map, skull and dropping images, track illustration, a box giving ID pointers, and fascinating information on physiology, habits and behaviours. The nearly 100 described mammals are divided into non-ruminants, ruminants, carnivores, non-carnivorous small mammals, rodents and shrews, and bats. Each group begins with a family tree showing the relationships of the mammals to one another and to other groups.

    Packed with facts, interest boxes, special features, images and maps, this book not only makes for fascinating reading, but is an essential guide both for locals and visitors to the region.

  • Magnificent Southern Africa

    Magnificent South Africa is a celebration of one of the world’s most beautiful regions. Diversity is the single word that best sums up the nature of this land, vividly evident in its myriad landscapes and in the mix of its peoples. Here, strikingly revealed in more than 160 large-format, full-colour photographs and a concise text, are historic towns, hidden hamlets and modern cities, vast spaces and heat-hazed horizons, mountain ramparts and broad grassland plains, game-rich savanna, bushveld scrub, arid desert and emerald pastures, wild seashore and striking coastal terrace.

    An informative overview of the land and its peoples, its turbulent history and its economy is followed by a series of eye-catching regional features, each focusing on a particular area and its distinctive attractions. Some, like Cape Town’s Table Mountain, the Kruger National Park, Durban’s Golden Mile, the towering heights of the Drakensberg, the Garden Route in the south and the subtropical shorelines of the east, are world-renowned; others are little known, even to South Africans.

    Magnificent South Africa is an evocative profile of a fascinating country – a book for the home, the perfect gift for family and friends, and a superb memento for those who have spent time discovering South Africa for themselves.

  • Let’s Go on Safari

    What happens when 8-year-old Kate, on safari in South Africa with her family, meets Michelle, a professional wildlife guide? The two new friends – one from America, the other from South Africa – turn their adventures into a lively book in which they share facts and secrets about the African bushveld. At the same time, they show how young children everywhere can become advocates for wild animals.

    Let’s Go on Safari! combines daily entries in Kate’s African safari journal with insights from Michelle about the bushveld and wildlife. Kate discovers the wonders of wildlife contrasted with the threats that animals face. She is inspired to make a difference.

    The book provides examples of small-scale, achievable animal advocacy projects that kids can initiate in their own communities and schools.

    Let’s Go on Safari! has been endorsed by significant conservation bodies, including the Jane Goodall Institute, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Global Wildlife Conservation, an organisation working around the world to save endangered animals.

  • Last Elephants

    The Africa-wide Great Elephant Census report of 2016 produced shocking fi ndings: adecimated elephant population whose numbers were continuing to plummet. Elephantsare killed, on average, every 15–20 minutes – a situation that will see the fi nal demise ofthese intelligent, extraordinary animals in less than 3 decades. They are a species in crisis.This magnifi cent book offers chapters written by the most prominent people in therealm of conservation and wildlife, among them researchers, conservationists, fi lmmakers, criminologists, TV personalities and journalists. Photographs have beenselected from among Africa’s best wildlife photographers, and the Foreword is providedby Prince William.It is hoped this book will create awareness of the devastating loss of elephant lives inAfrica and stem the tide of poaching and hunting; that it will inspire the delegates toCITES to make informed decisions to ensure that all loopholes in the ivory trade areclosed; and that countries receiving and using ivory (both legal and poached) –primarily China, Vietnam, Laos and Japan – ban and strenuously police its trade and usewithin their borders, actively pursuing and arresting syndicate leaders driving the cruelpoaching tsunami.This book is also a tribute to the many people who work for the welfare of elephants,particularly those who risk their lives for wildlife each day, often for little or no pay – inparticular the fi eld rangers and the anti-poaching teams; and to the many communitiesaround Africa that have elected to work with elephants and not against them.The Last Elephants – is the title prophetic? We hope not, but the signs are worrying.

  • Landy 1: Landy HB

    The first book in the series, Landy, tells of Jack finding Landy abandoned at the bottom of a field and how they start their new life together.

  • Kirstenbosch: Visitor’s Guide

    Updated to include changing garden exhibits, this interesting guide to Cape Town’s world-famous botanical garden traces the history and development of Kirstenbosch, from its establishment in 1913 to the spectacular showcase of indigenous flora it is today. Prominent features of the garden are described, such as the protea, erica and restio gardens, the Dell, Conservatory and Camphor Avenue, as well as floral highlights of the four seasons. An updated layout map makes for easy navigating, and indicates walks and climbs that can be undertaken from the garden.

    Colourful photographs portray the extraordinary beauty of the garden, both its spectacular flora and its setting against the backdrop of Table Mountain – and make this a worthy memento of a visit to Kirstenbosch.
