Charles Griffiths is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Cape Town. He has authored over 200 scientific papers, five other guide books to various components of the South African fauna, and has discovered over 100 species new to science. He is also a well-known wildlife photographer whose images have appeared in many books and magazines.
Field Guide to Insects of Southern Africa (NE)
This trusted best-seller has been comprehensively updated and expanded to feature accounts of over 1,500 species and insect groups. Included are the most common, most economically and ecologically important, interesting and attractive insects in the region.
It features:
vivid photographs
easy-to-read text
detailed accounts covering identifi cation, biology, distribution and related species
a helpful introduction detailing the signifi cance, life history, collection and photography of insects, and
quick reference guides on the inside covers to facilitate identifi cation.Entomologists both amateur and professional, students, gardeners, farmers, tourists and anyone with an interest in the natural world will appreciate this illuminating and invaluable guide.
Two Oceans A guide to the Marine Life of Southern Africa
More than 2,200 species are described in this expanded, fully revised edition, which includes an additional 125 species, 260 updated species names, 190 new photographs and revised distribution maps. Bursting with life and vibrant in colour, Two Oceans is a celebration of the extraordinary diversity of life that inhabits the sea and surrounding coastline. For over 25 years, this award-winning guide has been the pre-eminent book to which scientists, students, beachcombers and divers turn to identify and learn about marine life, from sponges to fishes, birds to whales and seaweeds to dune forests.
Key features include:
– Expanded and revised: 125 species added and 190 new photographs
– Accurate and up-to-date distribution maps
– Spectacular full-colour photographs
– Highly accomplished author teamThe authors, George and Margo Branch, Charles Griffiths and Lynnath Beckley are internationally acclaimed award-winning scientists with a passion for communicating the rich diversity of our marine world.
Pocket Guide to Insects of Southern Africa
This new pocket guide covers both common and interesting insects from South Africa, making it possible to identify a wide range of local species.
Some 431 insects are featured, many of which we may have spotted in our houses and gardens. Each is described with its key identification features, a colour photograph and distribution map.
An illustrated quick reference guide on the inside front and back covers makes it quick and easy to navigate to the right insect group.
Field Guide to Freshwater Life in Southern Africa
Freshwater Life – the first illustrated field guide of its kind for the wider southern African region – describes a vast range of plant and animal groups in a single volume. A ground-breaking concept that encompasses diverse groups from the large and conspicuous vertebrates to the diverse microscopic taxa, the book facilitates identification and describes the ecology of more than 1,000 freshwater organisms.
Species have been selected on the basis of how likely they are to be encountered, and each account is accompanied by photographs and a distribution map. A comprehensive introduction details the ecology and significance of freshwater systems. This indispensable, easy-to-use guide will prove invaluable to outdoor enthusiasts, students and conservationists.
‘This is a milestone work’ – Louis du Preez
Available in softcover and with PVC jacket.