Birds of the Serengeti
This title is due for release on 1 February 2025. Please note your complete order will only be shipped once the pre-order item becomes available.
Discover the diverse birdlife of Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area with this visually stunning guide. More than 300 commonly seen bird species are described in concise, engaging prose, highlighting their main characteristics. The text is accompanied by excellent full-colour photographs. Viewing notes, including tips about where and when birds are best observed, are given throughout.
For ease of use, the book is categorized into six sections: ground-dwelling, bush and woodland, nocturnal, waterbirds, birds of prey, and birds of the air. A brief introduction presents the key features of each wildlife sanctuary and the habitats that shelter the birds.
The Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a UNESCO World Heritage site, are two of the world’s most popular safari destinations, renowned for the annual migration of over 1.5 million wildebeest and thousands of zebra. This easy-to-read, richly illustrated guide is the perfect safari companion and a valuable memento.
Jean du Plessis is an award-winning news photographer who has published several books with Penguin Random House. A prolific wildlife photographer, he leads annual safari tours to the Serengeti National Park.Rupert Watson has lived in Kenya for over 40 years, where he practises as a lawyer, mediator, and writer. He has authored several books, including the forthcoming Wildlife of Serengeti & Ngorongoro Conservation Area. He is Chair of the East African Natural History Society.
Newman’s se voëls volgens kleur (NE)
Newman se Voëls volgens Kleur bied vir die beginnervoëlkyker ’n vinnige, eenvoudige manier om Suider-Afrika se algemeenste voëls volgens hul kleur te identifiseer. Die vierde uitgawe van dié nuttige geïllustreerde gids is bygewerk met die nuutste gewone voëlname, uitgebreide habitatinligting en die mees onlangse verspreidingkaarte. Die leersame inleiding bevat praktiese wenke oor die uitken van voëls, inligting oor voëlanatomie en -klassifikasie, en raad oor waar om vir voëls te soek en wat jy op só ’n uitstappie moet inpak.
Kinders se voëls van Suider-Afrika
Hierdie lewendige boek stel kinders voor aan meer as 60 van die voëlgroepe wat in Suider-Afrika te vind is: grasieuse flaminke, vinnige valke, juweel-agtige suikerbekkies, kordate neushoringvoëls en vele meer.
Leer hoe om verskillende voëls te identifiseer en ontdek meer oor hul gedrag – hoe hulle kos soek, ‘n maat kies, ‘n nes bou, kuikens grootmaak en roofdiere vermy. ‘n Volledige inleiding verduidelik konsepte soos hofmakery, migrasie en
ververing.Meer as 500 treffende foto’s is ingesluit, waarvan baie aantekeninge het_om_interessante eienskappe aan te toon.
Kids’ Birds of Southern Africa
This lively, jam-packed book introduces kids to more than 60 bird groups found in southern Africa: long-legged flamingos, speedy falcons, jewel-like sunbirds, plucky hornbills and many more.
Learn to identify different birds, and discover their intriguing behaviours – how they find food, choose a mate, build a nest, raise their young and avoid predators. A detailed introduction explains birding concepts such as courtship, migration, mobbing and moulting.
More than 500 stunning photographs are included, with many annotated to highlight interesting features and traits.
Eyezingane Izinyoni zaseNingizimu ye-Afrika
Le ncwadi ejabulisayo, egcwele mfi yethula izingane emaqenjini ezinyoni ezingaphezu kwama-60 ezitholakala eningizimu ne-Afrika: okholwase abanemilenze emide, oklebe abasheshayo, izincwincwi ezifana nejuba, izinsingizi ezinesibindi nezinye eziningi.
Funda ukubona izinyoni ezihlukahlukene, futhi uthole nendlela ehlaba umxhwele eziziphatha ngayo-indlela ezithola ngayo ukudla, ezikhetha ngayo umlingani, ezakha ngayo isidleke, ezikhulisa ngayo amachwane azo nokuthi zizigwema kanjani izilwane ezizizingelayo. Isingeniso esinemininingwane sichaza okuphathelene nezinyoni okunjengokuthandana, ukufuduka, ukuhlala kwazo ngaziningi kanye nokwebuza.
Kufakwe izithombe ezinhle ngokwedlulele ezingaphezu kwama-500, eziningi zichaziwe ukuze zigqamise izici nokuthile okuhlukile okuhlaba umxhwele ngazo.
Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa (New Edition)
This revised, updated and expanded edition of Guide to Seabirds of Southern Africa remains the only book to focus exclusively on the seabirds of southern Africa and includes nine new species for the region. This essential guide offers:
– Authoritative text richly supported with photographs and distribution maps.
– Clear ID pointers plus information on biology, behaviour and conservation status.
– An expanded introduction covering seabird origins, moult, feeding, breeding, conservation, and how best to watch and photograph these iconic birds.
– A bonus feature on flying fish and flying squid.An essential guide for birdwatchers and nature lovers who spend time at sea.
Pocket Guide Birds of Zambia
This pocket-sized, easy-to-use guide to the birds of Zambia features 425 birds likely to be seen in the region, plus a few ‘specials’ sought after by birders. It is an invaluable introduction and guide for visitors to Zambia with its 20 national parks and 42 Important Bird Areas.
Features include:
– An informative introduction to birding in the region, including habitat descriptions and a glossary
– Full-colour photographs illustrating diagnostic features and plumage differences
– Concise identification text, including key ID pointers, call description and favoured habitat of each species
– Up-to-date distribution maps.Lightweight and handy for use in the field, this will be an excellent guide for anyone interested in the birds of Africa.
Southern African LBJs Made Simple
Now updated and expanded,  Southern African LBJs Made Simple  offers a unique method for identifying and distinguishing the cryptic little birds that are known as ‘little brown jobs’. Using a three-stage process, the book guides readers through successive stages, each of which takes them closer to identifying the bird in question. As calls play a critical role in identification of these birds, individual calls and comparative tracks are included.
The book features:
- NEW BIRD CALL ACCESS – instant access to calls using free downloadable call app to scan barcodes on the species pages
- Concise text describing key ID criteria (such as size, habitat, habits, call and similar-looking and -sounding birds)
- Updated distribution maps and carefully labelled illustrations.
This enhanced and updated new edition will be an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to be able to tell one LBJ from another.
Avian Architects Quick ID Guide
Another title in the ‘Quick Guide’ series, this compact little book is a handy identification guide to the surprising variety of nests built by southern African birds. Covering multiple species, it is arranged according to nest type – ground, woven, stick, cup, mud-pellet and domed, as well as nests in tree holes, on water, on cliffs and in scrapes on the ground. It is packed with photographs and illustrations showing the ingenuity of the designs, the birds that built them, and the eggs that are laid in them. In pithy fashion, the text – matched to the photographs – describes:
nesting site and nest structure
building materials used to construct outer and inner layers
nesting habits of the architects
clutch sizeA simple key to nest types on the inside front cover directs readers to the relevant section in the book.
The Larger Illustrated Guide to Birds of Southern Africa (5th)
This larger edition is based on the updated and expanded fifth edition of Sasol Birds of Southern Africa, which has been brought fully up to date by its expert author panel, with additional contributions from two new birding experts. Greatly enhanced, this comprehensive, best-selling guide is sure to maintain its place as one of Africa’s most trusted field guides.
Key features of the 5th revised edition:
More than 800 new illustrations
Scan and play bird calls using free downloadable app
Fully revised text (with latest species records), maps and plate annotations
Fresh input from new contributing authors
The larger format allows for better appreciation and easier use of the plates. -
Sasol voëls Suider-Afrika PVC (5th)
Die vyfde uitgawe van Sasol Voëls van Suider-Afrika is tans volledig bygewerk deur die deskundige skrywerspaneel, met bykomende bydraes van twee nuwe voëldeskundiges. Hierdie omvattende topverkopergids is grootliks verbeter en sal beslis sy plek behou as een van die mees betroubare veldgidse in Afrika.
Belangrike kenmerke van die nuwe uitgawe:
Meer as 800 nuwe illustrasies
Skandeer en speel voëlroepe deur die gratis aflaaibare toep te gebruik
Omvattende hersiening (met mees onlangse spesierekords), verspreidingskaarte en plaatbyskrifte
Nuwe toevoegings van bydraende skrywers
Omvattende dekking van die streek se voëls -
Sasol voëls van Suider-Afrika (5th)
Die vyfde uitgawe van Sasol Voëls van Suider-Afrika is tans volledig bygewerk deur die deskundige skrywerspaneel, met bykomende bydraes van twee nuwe voëldeskundiges. Hierdie omvattende topverkopergids is grootliks verbeter en sal beslis sy plek behou as een van die mees betroubare veldgidse in Afrika.
Belangrike kenmerke van die nuwe uitgawe:
Meer as 800 nuwe illustrasies
Skandeer en speel voëlroepe deur die gratis aflaaibare toep te gebruik
Omvattende hersiening (met mees onlangse spesierekords), verspreidingskaarte en plaatbyskrifte
Nuwe toevoegings van bydraende skrywers
Omvattende dekking van die streek se voëls -
Sasol oorsiglys van voëls in Suider-Afrika
Al lank ‘n gewilde hulpbron, die nuwe, opgedateerde Oorsiglys van Voëls in Suider-Afrika is nou beskikbaar. Dit bevat ‘n lys van al die voëls wat in die streek te sien is, en bied ‘n eenvoudige metode om aan te dui waar en wanneer jy hulle waargeneem het. In gerieflike sakformaat bied dit:
Kruisverwysings na die nuwe Sasol Voëls van Suider-Afrika (vyfde uitgawe)
Ses kolumme vir veelvuldige waarnemings op ses verskillende plekke
Jongste name van alle Suider-Afrikaanse voëls
Endemiese en bedreigingstatus
Sal verwelkom word deur die streek se voëlkykers wat hulle waarnemings in Afrikaans wil nasien en opteken. -
Sasol Checklist of Birds in Southern Africa
An enduring and popular resource, this handy publication lists all the birds to be seen in the region and provides a simple way of recording where and when you have spotted them. Pocket-sized for ease of use, it offers:
Cross-referencing to the new Sasol Birds of Southern Africa (fifth edition)
Six columns for multiple recordings at six different localities
Up-to-date names for all southern African birds
Endemic and threat status for all birdsThis revised, updated checklist will be sought after by the region’s twitchers at all levels.
Sasol Birds of Southern Africa PVC (5th)
Now in its fifth edition, Sasol Birds of Southern Africa has been brought fully up to date by its expert author panel, with additional contributions from two new birding experts. Greatly enhanced, this comprehensive, best-selling guide is sure to maintain its place as one of Africa’s most trusted field guides.
Key features of the 5th revised edition:
More than 800 new illustrations
Scan and play bird calls using free downloadable app
Fully revised text (with latest species records), maps and plate annotations
Fresh input from new contributing authors
Comprehensive coverage of the region’s birds -
Sasol Birds of Southern Africa (5th)
Ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar as Sasol Voëls van Suider Afrika (5de uitgawe)
Now in its fifth edition, Sasol Birds of Southern Africa has been brought fully up to date by its expert author panel, with additional contributions from two new birding experts. Greatly enhanced, this comprehensive, best-selling guide is sure to maintain its place as one of Africa’s most trusted field guides.
Key features of the 5th revised edition:
More than 800 new illustrations
Scan and play bird calls using free downloadable app
Fully revised text (with latest species records), maps and plate annotations
Fresh input from new contributing authors
Comprehensive coverage of the region’s birds -
Peacocks & Picathartes
Peacocks & Picathartes is a celebration of the diversity of African birds, focusing on families that occur only in Africa as well as iconic families and species that, despite having close relatives in other parts of the world, seem to embody something of Africa.
Watson’s anecdotal style captures vividly his encounters with prized species, such the secretive White-necked Picathartes and the elusive Congo Peacock. He conveys the sheer delight mousebirds take in ‘being what they are’, and reveals the surprise discovery in 1991 of a new partridge in Tanzania’s Udzungwa Mountains.
Drawing on precolonial and current-day avian accounts, he offers his own insights based on a lifetime of personal observations in the wilds of Africa – recounting unforgettable expeditions, quirky bird behaviour, jittery taxonomy, moments of rare good luck – and much more. Both informative and entertaining, this book captures the essence of African birdlife, and will appeal to bird enthusiasts across the spectrum.
Garden Birds in Southern Africa
This guide profiles 101 garden birds likely to be found in gardens across southern Africa, informing readers about what to look and listen for, and where and when.It is also an inspirational guide to creating a bird-friendly garden that is also a reservoir of biodiversity, wherever you are in the region. With an attractive layout and multiple colour images, it offers the following:- Descriptions and photos of 101 garden birds
- How to get to know your local species, their feeding, breeding, calls and general behaviour
- How to design your garden to attract the widest range of birds and other wildlife
- The best plants and structures to provide food and shelter for birds
- Detailed lists of recommended trees, shrubs, climbers, aloes and grasses
Pocket Guide Birds of Namibia
This compact, easy-to-use guide features more than 350 of the most conspicuous and commonly seen birds in Namibia. Pocket Guide Birds of Namibia  offers:- Concise identification text
- Full-colour photographs of all species covered
- Up-to-date distribution maps
- An informative introduction featuring the ‘specials’ of the key birding destinations in Namibia.
An ideal introduction and travelling companion for birders in or visiting the region. -
50 Top Birding Sites in Kenya
For the very first time, local and visiting birders will have a detailed guide to Kenya’s best birding sites. The book will help them to locate the key species in each area, including sought-after ‘specials’ and endemics.Top 50 Birding Sites In Kenya  offers:- a detailed map for each site with specifi c guidance on what to look for and where
- information about the birds likely to be seen
- descriptions of each site, indicating the plants and wildlife that may be encountered in addition to the birds
- tips for planning your trip
- road directions to each site.