Field Guide to the Amaryllis Family of Southern Africa and Surrounding Territories
Author: |
ISBN: | 9780620885911 | |
Format: | Softcover | |
Price: | R500.00.00 | |
Release Date: | 2022-06-30 |
The Amaryllidaceae family is distributed in warm temperate and tropical parts of the world. With 18 genera and 265 taxa occurring in the region, southern Africa is recognised as a major centre of diversity for this intriguing family. This compelling guide features all the species found in the region, conveniently grouped according to the biome of their natural habitat, and includes a useful key to genera and species.
Species accounts feature:
– Comprehensive text suitable for laypersons and scientists
– Information on distribution, similar taxons, life cycle and flowering period
– Notes on cultivation, history, medicinal properties and conservation
– Distribution maps
– Colour photographs and watercolour plates
An invaluable addition to the library of any plant or nature lover.
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