David Allan, an avian specialist consultant, was curator of birds at Durban’s Natural Science Museum. He is the author of A Photographic Guide to Birds of Prey of Southern Africa.
Eerste veldgids: Roofvoëls van Suider-Afrika
Sasol Eerste Veldgids tot Roofvoëls van Suider-Afrika bied ‘n fassinerende blik op die voëllewe van die streek. Met behulp van volkleur-foto’s en -verspreidingskaarte, asook maklik leesbare teks, sal die beginner en ontluikende natuurliefhebber die meer algemene roofvoëls in Suider- Afrika kan identifiseer, kan vasstel waar hulle leef, en meer te wete kom oor hul unieke vreet- en broeigewoontes.
First Field Guide: Birds of Prey of Southern Africa
Sasol First Field Guide to Birds of Prey of Southern Africa provides fascinating insight into the birdlife of the region. With the help of full-colour photo graphs and distribution maps, and easy-to-read text, the young adult and budding naturalist will be able to identify the more common birds of prey in southern Africa, discover where they live, and learn about their unique feeding and nesting habits.