Eerste veldgids: Natuurlewe van Suider-Afrika
Hierdie gids is deel van ‘n nuwe reeks, Eerste veldgidse, en bied ‘n fassinerende blik op die natuurlewe van die streek.
Met behulp van kleurfoto’s en -verspreidingskaarte asook maklik leesbare teks, sal die beginner- en ontluikende natuurkenner die meer algemene diere van Suider-Afrika kan identifiseer, kan vasstel waar hulle voorkom, en meer te wete kom oor hul unieke gedrag en ongewone eienskappe.
Eerste veldgids: Algemene voëls van Suider-Afrika
Hierdie opwindende reeks vir aspirant-natuurkundiges, is spesiaal ontwikkel om jong mense in te wy in die geheime van die natuurlewe om ons. Die sakpas-grootte en pragtige foto’s maak hierdie boekies besonders, en dit is boonop maklik om te lees en te gebruik.
First Field Guide: Common Birds
SASOL First Field Guide to Common Birds of Southern Africa provides fascinating insight into the birdlife of the region.
With the help of full-colour photo graphs and distribution maps, and easy-to-read text, the young adult and budding naturalist will be able to identify the more common bird species found in southern Africa, discover where they live, and learn about their unique feeding and nesting habits.
Natuurlewe van Suider-Afrika
Hierdie gewilde veldgids tot die natuurlewe van Suider-Afrika, jare lank al ’n vertroude metgesel van natuurliefhebbers, is nou omvattend bygewerk. Dit bied beskrywings en akkurate illustrasies in volle kleur van meer as 2,000 plante en diere asook verspreidingskaarte vir die meeste groepe. Elke hoofstuk het sy eie kleurkode om naslaan te vergemaklik en uitkenmerke in die beskrywings is in vetdruk. Elke hoofstuk is geskryf deur ’n kenner op sy gebied.
Al die vernaamste plant- en diergroepe is ingesluit:
- Laer ongewerweldes
- Spinnekoppe en ander spinagtiges
- Insekte
- Varswatervisse
- Paddas
- Reptiele
- Voëls
- Soogdiere
- Grasse, biesies, varings en swamme
- Veldblomme
- Bome
Wildlife of Southern Africa
This long-standing, trusted field guide to the wildlife of southern Africa has been comprehensively updated and now includes distribution maps. It describes over 2,000 plants and animals, each accompanied by accurate illustrations in full colour. This book has been a trusted field companion for many years. Comprehensively updated, it now features range maps for most groups. The chapters are colour-coded for easy reference, and diagnostic features appear in bold type within the descriptions. Each chapter is written by a leading expert in the field.
All the main plant and animal groups are covered:
- Lower invertebrates
- Spiders and other arachnids
- Insects
- Freshwater fishes
- Frogs
- Reptiles
- Birds
- Mammals
- Grasses, hedges, ferns and fungi
- Wild flowers
- Trees
Guide to Birds of the Kruger National Park
The Kruger National Park, one of the largest and best-known conservation areas in the world, supports a remarkable diversity of birdlife. This attractive guide presents more than 500 species that have been recorded there. Of these, more than 400 of the most common or likely to be seen species are described and supported by full-colour photographs and unique distribution maps based on actual sightings of the birds. An informative introduction describes the park’s underlying geology, vegetation types, climate and rainfall, and how these dictate bird distribution within the area.
Pocket Guide to Birds of East Africa
This pocket-sized photographic guide to the birds of East Africa features 296 birds likely to be spotted in the region.
– Colourful photographs illustrate diagnostic features and plumage differences between male and female or breeding and non-breeding birds.
– Comparative photographs help differentiate between confusing species.
– Important distinguishing characteristics are highlighted in the text.
– Distribution maps and Swahili common names for all species are included.
– Introduction features a labelled bird diagram, habitat map, glossary and useful advice to birdwatchers.
An invaluable guide for visitors to national parks and the many areas in East Africa that are rich in birdlife.
Eerste veldgids: Roofvoëls van Suider-Afrika
Sasol Eerste Veldgids tot Roofvoëls van Suider-Afrika bied ‘n fassinerende blik op die voëllewe van die streek. Met behulp van volkleur-foto’s en -verspreidingskaarte, asook maklik leesbare teks, sal die beginner en ontluikende natuurliefhebber die meer algemene roofvoëls in Suider- Afrika kan identifiseer, kan vasstel waar hulle leef, en meer te wete kom oor hul unieke vreet- en broeigewoontes.
First Field Guide: Birds of Prey of Southern Africa
Sasol First Field Guide to Birds of Prey of Southern Africa provides fascinating insight into the birdlife of the region. With the help of full-colour photo graphs and distribution maps, and easy-to-read text, the young adult and budding naturalist will be able to identify the more common birds of prey in southern Africa, discover where they live, and learn about their unique feeding and nesting habits.
Sasol 300 maklik sigbare voëls in Suider-Afrika
Hierdie praktiese, eenvoudige gids tot van die voëls in Suider-Afrika wat die meeste gesien word, is gemik op beginner – en selfs juniorvoëlkykers. Dit is meer toeganklik as ‘n volwaardige veldgids, en baie nuttig met eenvoudige teks, duidelike illustrasies en foto’s van 300 van die streeks se voëls wat die maklikste te sien is. Vir elke voël bied die boek:
• Eenvoudige teks met onder meer ‘vind dit;”identifiseer dit’ en ‘verstaan dit’
• Illustrasies en foto’s in volkleur
• ’n Verspreidingskaart
• Die gewone Afrikaanse naam, wetenskaplike naam en gewone name in Engels en ander Afrika-tale
• Gemiddelde grootte en besonderhede oor die nes
• Omraamde teks met bykomende inligting vir sommige voëls.Hierdie kleurryke, tersaaklike boek met bondige aanwysings vir identifisering behoort groot byval te vind by Suider-Afrikaanse voëlkykers en buitelewe-entoesiaste.
Also available in English
Sasol 300 Easy-to-See Birds in Southern Africa
This practical, straight forward guide to some of the most commonly seen birds in southern Africa is aimed at beginner birders, or even juniors. Less daunting than a full-blown fieldguide, it’s handy and accessible, combining simple text with clear artwork and photographs to introduce 300 of the region’s easy-to-see birds. For each bird the book offers:
• Simple text, including how to ‘find it’, ‘identify it’ and ‘understand it’
• Colour images, both illustrations and photographs
• A distribution map
• Common English names, plus scientific, Afrikaans and other African names
• Average size, details of the nest and the number of eggs laid on average
• Interest boxes for some birds, providing extra information.Colourful, to-the-point and offering quick ID pointers, this book should find a ready market among southern African birders and outdoor enthusiasts.
Ook beskikbaar in AfrikaansÂ
100 Common Bird Calls in East Africa
Recognise birds by their calls with this handy package of CD and accompanying book. These will help identify the sounds made by a range of the most common and widely distributed East African bird species.
• CD features 100 bird calls.
• Each species account features full-colour photographs, a distribution map and information on habitat, behaviour, feeding and nesting preferences, as well as a description of the call or song.
500 Bird Calls in Southern Africa
Identify bird calls with this handy guide and CD, which together feature 500 distinctive southern African species. The CD gives the best-known song or call of each species; the book provides clear and accessible text, with a brief account for each species, including a description of the song, associated behaviour, similar-sounding species, the bird’s favoured habitat type, and a distribution map.
The introduction describes interesting aspects of bird vocalisations, the differences between true songbirds and non-songbirds and why calls often change with the seasons and time of day.
Basic Bird ID in Southern Africa
Derived from an old Longman publication on bird watching and identification in southern Africa, this book focuses on the essence of how to go about identifying birds. Topics covered include size, shape, bill length, and other physical features that provide clues to the birds’ lifestyle and identity. Full colour photographs and simple line drawings support the text. This book is suitable for beginners of all ages as well as younger birders – in fact, for anyone daunted by the prospect of getting started in the captivating pastime of birding.
Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa PVC
This edition of Newman’s birds of Southern Africa at once updates a classic and pays tribute to one of the region’s birding authors, the late Kenneth Newman. With the support of Faansie Peacock, the author’s daughter, Vanessa Newman, has thoroughly revised, updated and expanded this new edition to reflect the latest research, both in terms of text and illustrations.
Covering all the birds recorded from the Antarctic to the Zambezi River, its range includes the birds from the southern seas as well as those of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique. The format of Newman’s birds has been preserved and subtly modernized.
Colour coding of major bird groups and the characteristically bold cross-referencing between text and images have been retained. As always, large, accurate paintings of each species reflect the bird as it is seen in the field, and are now labeled with diagnostic features, in line with top guides round the world.
A revised introductory section takes readers step-by-step through how to use this latest edition of Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa in the field.
Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa Commemorative Ed
This Commemorative edition of Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa at once updates a classic and pays tribute to one of the region’s best loved birding authors, the late Kenneth Newman. With the support of bird expert Faansie Peacock, the author’s daughter, Vanessa Newman, has thoroughly revised, updated and expanded this new edition to reflect the latest research, both in terms of text and illustrations. Covering all the birds recorded from the Antarctic to the Zambezi River, its range includes the birds from the southern seas as well as those of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique. The familiar, user-friendly format of Newman’s Birds uses colour coding to indicate major bird groups and, as always, large accurate paintings of each species reflect the bird as it is seen in the field, now labeled with diagnostic features. A revised introductory section takes readers step-by-step through how to use this latest edition of Newman’s Birds of Southern Africa in the field.
Also available in Afrikaans as Newman se Voëls van Suider-Afrika.
Newman se voëls van Suider Afrika PVC
Die gedenkuitgawe van Newman se Voëls van Suider Afrika is ‘n opdatering van ‘n klassieke voëlboek, asook ‘n huldeblyk aan een van die streek se voëlkenners, Kenneth Newman. Met die ondersteuning van Faansie Peacock (‘n opkomende voëlkenner) het Vanessa Newman (die outeur se dogter) die teks en illustrasies vir die nuwe uitgawe volledig hersien, opgedateer en uitgebrei.
Die titel bevat al die voëls wat waargeneem is tussen Antarktika en die Zambesirivier, en sluit in voëls van die Suidelike Oseaan, Suid-Afrika, Zimbabwe, Namibie, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho en Mosambiek. Die bekende, gebruikersvriendelike formaat van Newman se Voëls van Suider Afrika is behou, maar die boek spog met ‘n moderne nuwe voorkoms. Kleurkodes is gebruik vir voëlgroepe en kruisverwysings tussen die teks, en illustrasies is behou.
Die bekende groot, akkurate illustrasies van elke spesie wys die voël soos wat hy in die veld voorkom, en byskrifte tot die illustrasies lig nou hoofkenmerke uit.
‘n Hersiende inleiding wys lesers stap-vir-stap hoe om die nuutste uitgawe van Newman se Voëls van Suider Afrika te gebruik.
Chamberlain’s Field Guides Birds of Southern Africa
Fully revised, Birds of Africa south of the Sahara provides unrivalled coverage of African birds in a single volume, and is the first book to describe and illustrate all of the birds found in Africa south of the Sahara Desert (the Afrotropic Region), including Socotra, Pemba and islands in the Gulf of Guinea. Over 2 500 colour photographs show age and sex plumage variations, perched and in-flight birds, and colour morphs where relevant. Text – by Africa’s top birding authors – forcuses on identification, call, habitat and status, breeding details and diet. Colour-coded distribution maps show resident and migratory status and bird density. Annual calendar bars indicate, at a glace, w hen species are present and when they breed. Despite its exceptional coverage, this guide is compact enough to use in the field, and follows the standard field guide format, with texts and range maps appearing opposite the colour plates.
My First Book of Southern African Birds V2
Following the success of My first book of Southern African Birds– a very first guide to birding – volume 2 introduces a further 58 fascinating birds found at the seashore, rivers and lakes, in grasslands and forests, and also in suburban gardens. A brief introduction explains how the book works and provides simple guidelines for watching birds, then each page introduces a new bird. Most of the information is visual, in the form of full-colour bird illustrations and line drawings of food eaten, typical nest and the bird’s track. A visual guide to the bird’s size is given at the base of the page.
All text appears in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu
Volledige fotografiese veldgids voëls van Suider-Afrika
Die grootste en omvattendste fotogids van Suider-Afrika se voëls in een boekdeel, die boek verleen ’n nuwe dimensie aan die uitkenning van voëls in die streek. Dit beskryf en illustreer al 958 voëlspesies plus 17 spesies van Antarktika en die eilande van die Suidelike Yssee. Meer as 2 500 kleurfoto’s wys verekleedverskille en kleurmorfe. Die teks fokus op uitkenning, roepe, habitat, status, broeibesonderhede en kos. Verspreidingskaarte wys stand- en trekvoëlstatus en voëldigtheid, en kalenderbalke wys wanneer spesies broei. ’n Onontbeerlike metgesel in die veld.