Rory McDougall obtained a BSc in Zoology and Botany from the University of Cape Town before working as a professional wildlife and bird guide and wildlife consultant. In 2015 he founded the first wildlife safari guide training school in Zambia. He is co-author of a series of digital books covering common Zambian flora and fauna and is co-developer of the Birds of Zambia app.

  • Pocket Guide Birds of Zambia

    This pocket-sized, easy-to-use guide to the birds of Zambia features 425 birds likely to be seen in the region, plus a few ‘specials’ sought after by birders. It is an invaluable introduction and guide for visitors to Zambia with its 20 national parks and 42 Important Bird Areas.

    Features include:

    – An informative introduction to birding in the region, including habitat descriptions and a glossary
    – Full-colour photographs illustrating diagnostic features and plumage differences
    – Concise identification text, including key ID pointers, call description and favoured habitat of each species
    – Up-to-date distribution maps.

    Lightweight and handy for use in the field, this will be an excellent guide for anyone interested in the birds of Africa.
