Graham Alexander is a professor of herpetology at the University of Witwatersrand. He has authored many scientific papers, book chapters and popular articles, and his research on snake biology has been the subject of many documentaries.

  • Guide to Reptiles of Southern Africa

    Southern Africa is home to a remarkably diverse and rich reptile fauna. A Guide to the Reptiles of Southern Africa present the 517 species currently described in the region, in three main groups – snakes and lizards; crocodiles; and shelled reptiles. Based on the latest scientific research, the introduction covers reptile identification, diversity, biology, distribution patterns, and where to find and observe them, as well as unravelling the facts and fallacies of snakebite.

    Written in a lively and accessible way, the subsequent chapters offer insight into: identification to group level, with an inclusive list of related species; a detailed description of appearance, together with colourful images; biology and behaviour of each group; conservation status of species; reproduction details; and distribution. Informative panels provide key information at a glance, with distribution maps and clear icons giving typical habitat and period of activity.

    A wealth of full-colour photographs throughout brings the subject matter vividly to life. This book will appeal to all wildlife enthusiasts, both professional and amateur.

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