RoomToGrow Kirstenbosch Wednesday Talk – Reptile diversity of the Kruger
Date: June 5, 2024
Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Online via Zoom

Join us for the next RoomtoGrow Kirstenbosch Wednesday Talk hosted online by Struik Nature. Introduction by Brett Chilcott of RoomToGrow

Johan Marais, a leading reptile expert in Africa is a conservationist, photographer and author of several books on reptiles, including the bestselling ‘Complete Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa’, also available in Afrikaans. Collectively, over half a million copies of these books have been sold. Johan is CEO of the African Snakebite Institute and advises hospitals and clinics throughout Africa on snakes and snakebite.

Johan will be giving a talk on the rich diversity of reptiles found in the Kruger National Park and surrounding areas.

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